Remember the "Golden Age" of paintball, when tournaments were played in the woods?
When stealth and power were necessary to win?
When legendary teams like Navarone, The Ironmen, The Master Blasters, The Terminators, the Lords of Discipline, and the All Americans dominated?
When industry leaders and legendary players like Dave Youngblood, Robert "Rosie" Rose, Renick Miller, Bob Long, Billy and Adam Gardner were playing?
Twenty years ago the top players from all across the World stepped onto the playing fields in Plattekill, New York,
It's time to do it again...
Relive the "Glory Days" of 10 man team competition and play alongside and against the legends of paintball
Same fields, same rules, same equipment (mechanical pumps and semis only)
Take part in making And Reliving Paintball history!
We brought it back first!
We brought it back again!
Pros in the know choose WWC! View Scores